Thursday 31 October 2013

A week in Delhi

Mid October 2013 sees me touching down at Indira Ghandi International airport, Delhi.  To say that Delhi is a contrast to Chennai is a bit like comparing somehwre like Accrington  with London.  From what I’ve seen of Delhi so far – it has pavements, traffic which flows (after a fashion), plenty of greenery, fabulous Lutyens-designed buildings, and luckily for me, beautiful weather.  I’m staying in the Taj Mahal – no, not the actual Taj Mahal but one of the Delhi branches of the Taj group of hotels.  It is set in beautiful gardens, with a very grand lobby and I’m being looked after well – enjoying my breakfast gluten-free muesli with carrot, apple and beetroot juice, and coconut water.  There is a great market within walking distance of the hotel with shops, funky bars, restaurants and cafes, including a cute coffee shop at the top floor of a building attached to a bookshop – I can see I will be spending quite a bit of time there…Delhi far from being the frightening place it is portrayed is fine for wandering about during the daytime, on my first Sunday here I walked to India gate which is the National Monument of India and very much on the tourist trail.  Even though there are plenty of Westerners about, I was still a source of amusement, especially to the younger women, so much giggling ensued I thought maybe someone had pinned a notice on my back.  The women here are more likely than not seen in Western clothing, but when they wear saris the colours are vibrant, much more so than in South India and the people here meet your gaze far more than the diffident South Indian people.

India is gearing up to Diwali, which is pretty much like Christmas with more colour.  Everywhere is decorated with flower petals and candles, and everyone here is in a frenzy of gift buying, partying and setting off fireworks.  There’s the usual sparklers and rockets, but also Catherine wheels which with a casual indifference to health and safety are laid flat on the ground and lit, where they skid about in ever-increasing circles.  It’s even more fun to jump over them when they come near….

Initiated myself into the world of the Delhi market after work today with a visit to Sarojani market.  It reminded me a bit of the old Birmingham Bull Ring market, although with about a hundred times as many people milling about, and
it was a refreshing change to be able to browse a bit without being hassled to within an inch of your life!  There were some great bargains to be had, with so much competition here the prices are really cheap….

Delhi seems to be a fascinating mix of old and new, Costa coffee (yippee!!!) and McDonalds (not so yippee) nestling against bazaars selling all manner of things.

There are cows wandering across manicured lawns and monkeys clambering over grandiose marble balustrades.  I’ve only seen a fraction of it so far, and I absolutely love it…..

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